الأربعاء، 8 أكتوبر 2014

SaiListen to the Story of the Nile

Friday, 17th of October at 5:00 pm

WhatsApp +201006768269 

Or email: ahmed.seddik@gmail.com


Walking Tour of the City of the Dead

The Petropolis of the Mamelukes

Saturday, 18th of October at 9:00 a.m.


WhatsApp +201006768269 or email: ahmed.seddik@gmail.com

The scintillating City of the Dead, anecdotally known as Al-Qarafa, is
so full of life and amenities that if you sum, you realize it is more
town than slum. We will be able to label the fabled vast necropolis
and feast our eyes on monuments glorious from the City Victorious.

The lively City of the Dead is a treasure trove of masterpieces from
almost all eras of Egyptian history. Walking there gives you an
encyclopedic tour of Egyptian history. True to the vision of some of
its founders, the City of the Dead has the power to entertain the mind
and retain the body. Around 100,000 Cairenes live here amongst the
dead. At the pinnacle of Islamic art, the monuments are architected to
articulate the vision of the stellar
dweller. Picnic among the graves in the City Beyond the Walls! It is a
kaleidoscope of culture.

We attempt to see:

Mausoleum of Ibrahim Pahsa Halim
Tomb of Al-Torjoman
Mamelukes St.
Sultan Ahmed St.
Mausoleum of Sir Ahmed Hassanein Pasha, Author of the Lost Oases
Tomb of Narriman Sadek, Cinderella of the Nile, the Last Queen of Egypt
War Martyrs Tombs
Tomb of the First President of Egypt
Amir Kabir Qurqumas Complex
The Religious and Funerary Complex of Sultan al-Ashraf Inal
Mausoleum of Princess Shwikar
Mausoleum of Muhammed Talaat Harb, Egypt's Leading Economist
Tomb of Omar Makram, Revolutionist
Tomb of Noubar, First Prime Minister of Egypt
Mosque and Mausoleum of Sultan Faraj ibn Barquq
Mausoleum of Al-Ashraf Barsbay
Tomb of René Jean Marie Joseph Guénon, French Author and Intellectual
Mausoleum of Khedive Muhammed Tewfik Pasha
Tomb of Professor Ali Moustafa Mosharafa Pasha, Egyptian Theoretical Physicist
Compound of Sultan Al-Ashraf Sayf al-Din Qa'it Bay
Tomb of Emir Tashtimur
Chinese Tomb


Tour of Saqqara Pyramids, Tombs and Temples

Friday, 24th of October at 10:00 a.m.

WhatsApp: +201006768269 

Or email: ahmed.seddik@gmail.com

"Journey back in time to find the mind behind the fine Pyramid of Zoser!"

“The glorious ground around the mound abounds with countless reliefs
revealing the site’s majestic nature through a hieroglyphic
signature.” - Ahmed Seddik

Monuments we are likely to see and/or explore:

Tomb of Horemheb, Generalissimo of the Egyptian Army
Tomb of the Manicurists and Pedicurists of the King
Tomb of the Prime Minister of Egypt Mereruka
The Valley Temple of King Unas
The Step Pyramid Complex
The Oldest Museum Label
Ancient Egyptian Graffiti
The Philosophers’ Circle
The Museum of Imhotep
The Pyramid of Userkaf
Tomb of Princess Idut
Tomb of Maya & Merit
Tomb of Kagemni
Pyramid of Unas
The Serapeum
Pyramid of Teti
Tomb of Ti



On ABC News:

In the lobby of the Egyptian Museum, Ahmed handed me his business card. Melek kelem, it read, in mirror-like Arabic script. This was no empty palindromic boast, I saw as soon as he started the ten-minute "preview' tour we'd arranged. Ahmed was indeed a Master of Speech, a Word Lord, even -- to stretch the effect into English -- an Emir of Rhyme. He had a dense and mesmerizing way of speaking, full of shifting rhythms and ridiculous puns. Ambling through the museum next to him felt more like jogging, trying to keep up with his ancient-Egyptian etymologies, mnemonics for hieroglyphics, and archaeology gossip.

Zora O'Neill, Travel Author.
Witty and enthusiastic.
Arguto e pieno d'entusiasmo.

Lonely Planet
In Ahmed we found not only an amazing producer, but a great resource for all things Egypt. His offhand knowledge of Egyptian history, of
pharaohs and antiquities, of hieroglyphics and pyramids is astounding. He can quote ancient Egyptian texts from memory. In many ways he was our tour guide and history professor on top of everything else.

Erin Lyall George


The CBS Evening News

He is also particularly good at turning dry facts into fascinating anecdotes and was often able to entertain and educate us with
interesting stories about Egypt’s history. He is obviously passionate about the country, its history and culture.

Helena Merriman

Broadcast Journalist
BBC World Service

His language skills, especially his knowledge of English, are absolutely first class and he has an ability to express himself in a manner that many native English speakers would find difficult to improve upon.
Michael Buchanan, Correspondent, BBC News

“You are a student of the finer point of the English language.”

Hugh Sykes, BBC, the World at One

My aim was to take a break with a cultural and historic character. And having Egyptologist and tour guide Ahmed Seddik as my companion made my adventure unforgettable.

Amira El-Naqeeb, Travel Writer
The Digger Who Can Figure:
"His name is Ahmed Seddik and he is the most delightful, smart and funny person you can imagine. He loves languages and speaks incredible English. He talked continuously without notes of any kind during our tours of the temples at Saqqara, the Pyramids and tombs in Giza, Islamic Cairo, and the City of the Dead--not just providing fascinating and encyclopedic information, both historic and modern,
but peppering his monologue with puns and alliteration."

Caroline Moore
“Ahmed Seddik is the brightest Egyptian I have met since I came to Egypt. I have found his Egyptological knowledge prodigious.”

Professor Jerry Leach

Ahmed Seddik worked with me as a discussant on the translation of Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq’s monumental mid-nineteenth-century work al-Saq ‘ala l-saq (Leg over Leg) during 2012 and 2013, a work widely considered among the most linguistically challenging of Arabic texts in view of its use of little-known words, word-play and puns, and complex grammar. I reviewed and discussed in depth with Ahmed most of the cruxes of the text and benefited enormously from his in-put. His knowledge of Arabic grammar, verse, and the Quran is encyclopedic and his ability to untangle the contortions imposed from time to time on the language of the book by the constraints of verse and rhymed prose proved to be prodigious. Ahmed’s love of language in general and the Arabic language in particular made him the ideal partner in an enterprise of such a daunting nature. I can recommend him unreservedly to anyone involved in scholarly work involving the Arabic language arts.

Dr. Humphrey Davies
My wife and I heartily recommend the young Egyptologist and lecturer Ahmed Seddik, who recently provided us with an immensely informative and lively guided tour of Saqqara. His encyclopedic knowledge of Egyptian history, including the beliefs and language of the ancient civilization of the Nile Valley, along with his tact, humor, and treasure trove of anecdotes and stories, provided unusual texture and depth to his explanations. His familiarity with both literary and idiomatic English, combined with his gifts at word-play and poetic device, further enlivened our exchanges. We spent an eminently pleasant and worthwhile several hours in his animated company.

Thomas G. Weiss

Presidential Professor of Political Science and Director
Thank you for a truly remarkable Cairo experience. I don't think I've ever enjoyed excursions as much as I did this time. You have an absolutely fantastic way of bringing history to life and make it relevant to the visitor. A huge Thank You and I feel truly privileged to have had you as a guide to the ancient wonders of Egypt.

Maria Kuhn

VP Public Relations, Kempinski Hotels

If you are wishing to source an Egyptologist, we would have no hesitation in recommending Ahmed. Our attention was kept by Ahmed the whole day,including our twelve year old! Ahmed is extremely professional, his knowledge and stories are outstanding and entertaining.

Carolanne Reissiger
Hotel Manager 

Ahmed has guided me around the pyramids, the national museum and Islamic Cairo. He is a font of information, full of enthusiasm and you will tire before he does! I can warmly recommend Ahmed as an expert guide for Cairo and surroundings

Christopher McLaverty
Consultant to the Archbishop of Canterbury at Church of England

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