الاثنين، 8 فبراير 2016

Light and Color: Nightly Tour of Islamic Cairo

Walking Tour of Islamic Cairo
Gates of Glory and Façades of Fame

Wednesday 10th of February at 8:00 pm

Places are limited, so registration is required.

For reservation: call or Whatsapp: +20100-67-68-2-69
or email: ahmed.seddik@gmail.com

In this beautiful tour of words and deeds, history and architecture are elegantly braided together. Travel back in time to the splendid scents, sights and sounds of historic Cairo, the fabled bridge between ancient Egypt and modern Egypt. This is the story of the rise and fall of the Islamic Empire.
In this tour, I shall prove that there exists an architectural historian technique whereby history can be interpreted through architecture. Behold! Seddik technique is unique.

"Travel. Set out and head for pastures new. Life tastes richer when you've rode warm feet. No water that stagnates is fit to drink, for only that which flows is truly sweet ...." - Ibn Battuta

"behind gates of glory and façades of fame lie unique stories of rise and fall that teach us to never give in, in nothing great or small, in the march of history against the juggernaut of time. When domes dominate a relief of belief reveals the architecture of history in the history of architecture through abodes beyond the boundaries of death.

The minarets dot the I's and cross the T's of architecture, furnishing a Rosetta Stone to untangle the web of history. The palaces of startling elegance provide visual biographies highlighting the salience of sailing in the sea of history and granting us a passport to the past.

List of what we might or might not see during our tour:

 Al Sioufiyya
 Al Khiyamiyya
 The Mosque of Salih Tala'i
 Ahmed Maher
 El-Darb El-Gadid
 Bab Zeweila
 Mosque of Almuayyad Sheikh
 Wekalat Nafisa Albayda
 Haret Al-Zahabi
 Haret Al-Roum
 Haret Al-Aqqadeya
 Mosque of Alfakahany
 Funerary Complex of Sultan Qansuh al-Ghuri (a glimpse)
 Al-Azhar Mosque
 The Mosque of Muhammed Bek Abu El-Dahab
 Al-Hussein Mosque
 Khan Jarkas el-Khalili
 Haret Al Sanadyqyah (Boxmakers)
 Alhamzawi Al-Saghir
 Sultan al-Ashraf Barsbay Complex
 Jawhar Al-Qaid (Commander of the Army)
 Bayn al-Qasrayn (Palace Walk of Naguib Mahfouz)
 Mosque and Sabil-Kuttab of Shaykh 'Ali al- Mutahhar
 Al Maqases
 Sekket Al-Badistan
 Al Westani
 Al Bab Al Thaleth
 Haret Al Saleheya
 Madrasa and Mausoleum of al-Malik al-Salih Najm al-Din Ayyub
 Al-Zahir Beibars
 The Qalawun complex
 Bait El Kadi (House of the Judge)
 Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qala'un Madrasa and Mausoleum
 Sabil-Kuttab Mohamed Ali
 Sultan al-Zahir Barquq Funerary Complex
 Egyptian Textile Museum (just make a brief mention of)
 Darb Kormoz
 Al Khoronfesh
 Al Qasabi
 Sabil-Kuttab of Abdel-Rahman Katkhuda (Ottoman)
 The Mosque of al-Aqmar
 Haret Al Sananeeri
 Haret Al-Darb al-Asfar
 Bayt Al-Suhaymi in Al-Darb al-Asfar
 Mosque-Sabil of Suleiman Agha el-Silahdar
 Haret Bergewan
 Amir Al Gyosh Al Goani
 Al Dabeeba
 Darb Al Waraka
 Bayn Al-Sayareg
 Haret Al-Morakeshi
 Al-Hakim Bi-Amr-Allah Mosque
 Sour Misr Al Qadima
 Bab Al Fotouh (Gate of Conquests)
 Bab Al Nasr (Gate of Victory)
 Wekalat Qaitbey
 Haret Alotoof
 El-Jashankir Mosque
 Kasr Alshok
 Al Mashhad Al Husseini
Arabic Tutorial Tour
Wednesday, 10th of February at 10:00 am 

Call or WhatsApp: +201006768269

In this tour, Ahmed Seddik introduces the key concepts of Arabic grammar as we walk through the streets of Cairo. Through etymological stories, anecdotes and linguistic didactic jokes, Arabic grammar becomes the fascinating subject that it is. Feast your eyes on Arabic words and expand Arabic vocabulary phenomenally.

You are cordially invited to conquer the city of grammar.
Walking Tour of the Island of Zamalek

Thursday, 11th of February at 02:00 pm

Email: Ahmed.Seddik@gmail.com

Call or WhatsApp: +201006768269

May your spirit live, may you spend millions of years, you who love Thebes sitting with your face to the north wind, your eyes beholding happiness. Words worthy of reciting in a royal garden delineated in harmonious hieroglyphs carved around the aromatic rim of the wishing cup of the boy King Tutankhamen well over 3000 years ago. To make his wish come true, the cup cuts the figure of an open lotus flower. From the dawn of Egyptian civilization, the lotus flower stood for rebirth and resurrection. President Nasser borrowed the plant for his plan upon raising the famous Cairo tower, emulating a lotus flower in the heart of Zamalek. In the wee small hours of the morning an Egyptian lily opened. Later in the day it closed. This Lillian observation of the sun led the Egyptian, who once upon a time was a keen observant of nature, to believe that lotus was a hieroglyph for rebirth and renaissance. Nasser’s emulation of a lotus flower in his tower was meant to capture this Egyptian philosophy. Nasser was the new pharaoh and he was being given credit for an Egyptian renaissance. A man, a plan and a plant. That is the order of this tour. Stories of villas, palaces, and gardens from the royalty and the republic.
Walking Tour of the Southern City of the Dead and the Living

Friday, 12 February at 8:00 am.
Call or WhatsApp: +201006768269


Cairo's southern cemetery is a city of light and color. The inhabitants of the magnificent mausoleums, alive and dead, are among the most fascinating dwellers in the stellar city of Cairo. On Friday, this sea of serenity yields to the hustle and bustle of a lively market.

Journey back in time and meet the men and women behind the City of the Thousand and One Night.
Tree Tour:
Walking Tour of Maadi Trees, Art Galleris, Bookstores and History
Friday, 12 February at 02:00 pm
Email: Ahmed.Seddik@gmail.com
Call or WhatsApp: +201006768269
Every tree you meet in the street is a special treat.
And this our life, exempt from public haunt,
Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks,
Sermons in stones, and good in everything.
We hope to explore:
Acacia Nodosa
Aloe vera
Araucaria, monkey puzzles
Barrel cactus
Basil, Ocimum basilicum
Bauhinia forficata, Brazilian orchid tree, Pata de Vaca
Bauhinia variegata
Berberis thunbergii (Japanese barberry,Thunberg's barberry, or Red barberry)
Bombax ceiba
Buddleia, Butterfly tree
Cassia fistula
Cassia glauca
Casuarina equisetifolia
Catharanthus roseus
Cestrum nocturnum, Lady of the Night
Chorisia Crispiflora
Dalbergia sissoo, Indian Rosewood
Date palm
Elephant ear
Eucalyptus leucoxylon
Ficus benghalensis
Ficus benjamina
Ficus elastica
Ficus nitida
Ficus religiosa
Ficus sycomorus
Fishtail palm
Flame of the forest
Helianthus, sunflower
Hyphaene thebaica, doum palm
Jasmine sambac
Jatropha integerrima
Mangifera indica
Mulberry tree
Nerium oleander
Plumeria alba
Plumeria rubra
Ravenala madagascariensis, traveller's tree
Royal palm
Sago palm
Sambucus nigra
Silk floss tree
Tecoma stans, Yellow Bells
Tipuana tipu, Abu Al-makarem
Willow Tree
The Sphinx Speaks

Walking Tour of Giza Pyramids, Temples and Tombs
Your Visa To Giza

Saturday, 13th February 2016, at 08:00 a.m.

Places are limited, so registration is required.

Email: ahmed.seddik@gmail.com
For reservation: call: 0100-67-68-2-69

 Pyramid of Khufu
 Pyramid of Khafre
 Pyramid of Menkaure
 Pyramids of the Queens
 Khufu's Boat
 Tomb of Idu, Overseer of the Construction of the Great Pyramid
 Tomb of Qar (G 7101)
 The Sphinx
 The Valley Temple of King Khafre
Walking Tour of the City of the Dead

The Northern Cemetery

La città dei morti

Shine from the Shrine

Saturday, 13th of February 2016 at 02:00 pm

For reservation: Whatsapp or call: +20100-67-68-2-69

Email: ahmed.seddik@gmail.com

The scintillating City of the Dead, anecdotally known as Al-Qarafa, is so full of life and amenities that if you sum, you realize it is more town than slum. We will be able to label the fabled vast necropolis and feast our eyes on monuments glorious from the City Victorious.

The lively City of the Dead is a treasure trove of masterpieces from almost all eras of Egyptian history. Walking there gives you an encyclopedic tour of Egyptian history. True to the vision of some of its founders, the City of the Dead has the power to entertain the mind and retain the body. Around 100,000 Cairenes live here amongst the dead. At the pinnacle of Islamic art, the monuments are architected to articulate the vision of the stellar dweller.

Picnic among the graves in the City Beyond the Walls! It is a kaleidoscope of culture.

 We attempt to see:

 Al-Fayed Family
 Kazoroony Family
 Mausoleum of Ibrahim Pahsa Halim
 The Tomb of Guzal or Kuzal or Sidi Karkar
 Tomb of Al-Torjoman
 Mamelukes St.
 Sultan Ahmed St.
 Mausoleum of Sir Ahmed Mohammed Hassanein Pasha el Boulaki,
 Writer, Diplomat and Desert Explorer and Author of the Lost Oases
 Palace of Khedive Ismail
 Tomb of Narriman Sadek, Cinderella of the Nile, the Last Queen of Egypt
 War Martyrs Tombs
 Tomb of the First President of Egypt, Muhammed Naguib
 Amir Kabir Qurqumas Complex
 The Religious and Funerary Complex of Sultan al-Ashraf Inal
 Mausoleum of Princess Shwikar
 Tomb of Princess Ruqayya `Abd al-Halim
 Mausoleum of Muhammed Talaat Harb, Egypt's Leading Economist
 Tomb of Omar Makram, Revolutionist
 Tomb of Noubar, First Prime Minister of Egypt
 Mosque and Mausoleum of Sultan Faraj ibn Barquq
 Mausoleum of Al-Ashraf Barsbay
 Tomb of René Jean Marie Joseph Guénon, French Author and Intellectual
 Mausoleum of Khedive Muhammed Tewfik Pasha
 Tomb of Professor Ali Moustafa Mosharafa Pasha, Egyptian Theoretical Physicist
 Compound of Sultan Al-Ashraf Sayf al-Din Qa'it Bay
 Tomb of Sultan Qansuh Abu Sa‘id, A.D.1499 / 904 A.H
 Tomb of Emir Tashtimur
 Chinese Tomb
 Tomb of Ganibak al-Ashrafi, A.D.1427 / 830 A.H.
 Tomb of Anas, A.D.1382 / 784 A.H.
 Rab‘ of Sultan al-Ashraf Qaytbay, ca A.D.1474 / 879 A.H.
 The Gate of Sultan al-Ashraf Qaytbay, A.D.1472-74 / 877-879 A.H.
 Tomb of Gulshayni, CA A.D.1468 / 873 A.H.
 Tomb of Khawand Tughay (Umm Anuk), before A.D. 1348 / 749 A.H.
 Tomb of Amir Nasrallah (Kuz al-‘Asal) (Pot of Honey), ca A.D.1441 / 845 A.H.
 Tomb of Amir Azrumuk, A.D.1504-5 / 909-10 A.H.
 Tomb of Khawand Tulbay (No.80) A.D. 1363-4 / 765 A.H.
 Hawd and Tomb of Qadi Muhammad Mawahib, A.D. 1685 / 1097 A.H.
On a Felucca Lecture:

Monday, 15th of January 2016 at 15

Call or WhatsApp: +201006768269

The Story of the Nile:
 Ancient Egyptian Stories:
 Isis and Osiris
 The Doomed Prince
 Khufu and the Magicians
 Arabic Stories:
 Ahmed Shawqi:
 Noah's Ark
 The Turkey
 My Grandma
 The Peacock
 A Nation of Rabbits

 Ahmed Seddik:
 The Father of Optics, Ibn Al-Haytham

 English Stories:
 Rudyard Kipling:
 The Elephant's Child
 Dr. Seuss:
 Oh, The Places You Will Go
 Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are


'Hide not your talents, they for use were made; what's a sundial in the shade?' —Benjamin Franklin
 Egyptologist Ahmed Seddik on ABC News
 Ahmed Seddik on Brazilian TV: Enigmas do Egito

“Egyptology runs in his veins”
Dr. Zahi Hawass
 In the lobby of the Egyptian Museum, Ahmed handed me his business card. Melek kelem, it read, in mirror-like Arabic script. This was no empty palindromic boast, I saw
as soon as he started the ten-minute "preview' tour we'd arranged. Ahmed was indeed a Master of Speech, a Word Lord, even -- to stretch the effect into English -- an
Emir of Rhyme. He had a dense and mesmerizing way of speaking, full of shifting rhythms and ridiculous puns. Ambling through the museum next to him felt more like
jogging, trying to keep up with his ancient-Egyptian etymologies, mnemonics for hieroglyphics, and archaeology gossip.
 Zora O'Neill, Travel Author
 Witty and enthusiastic.
 Arguto e pieno d'entusiasmo.
 Lonely Planet
 In Ahmed we found not only an amazing producer, but a great resource for all things Egypt. His offhand knowledge of Egyptian history, of pharaohs and antiquities, of
hieroglyphics and pyramids is astounding. He can quote ancient Egyptian texts from memory. In many ways he was our tour guide and history professor on top of
everything else.
 Erin Lyall George
 The CBS Evening News
 He is also particularly good at turning dry facts into fascinating anecdotes and was often able to entertain and educate us with interesting stories about Egypt’s
history. He is obviously passionate about the country, its history and culture.
 Helena Merriman
 Broadcast Journalist
 BBC World Service
 His language skills, especially his knowledge of English, are absolutely first class and he has an ability to express himself in a manner that many native English
speakers would find difficult to improve upon.
 Michael Buchanan, Correspondent, BBC News
 Condé Nast Traveler Senior Correspondent
 Seeing you in action in these photos I can almost hear your voice and feel your energy!
 Eric Sinkkonen
 Scenic Designer
“You are a student of the finer point of the English language.”
Hugh Sykes, BBC, the World at One
 Un grand tour du Caire avec Ahmed en une journée fut une expérience exceptionnelle et inoubliable lors de notre séjour en Egypte !
Ahmed est venu nous chercher à 8h30 du matin, frais et déjà plein d'une joyeuse énergie qui allait s'avérer sans limite tout au long de notre longue marche… il faisait déjà très chaud à cette heure-ci, car nous étions en août 2015, à ce moment de la canicule, où même les égyptiens n'envisageaient pas de sortir de chez eux. Nous avons traversé le Caire moderne, en passant par la place Tahrir et nous avons finalement atteint le vieux Caire à pied au milieu de la journée. Toute cette première partie de la visite fût agrémentée de commentaires sur la situation politique de l'Egypte, au gré des palais et bâtiments publics qui se trouvaient sur notre chemin. Nous avons aussi eu droit à notre première leçon d'arabe, car Ahmed est un excellent pédagogue, et grâce à des jeux de mots associés à des mimiques comiques et des explications de linguiste pertinentes, certaines expressions sont gravées dans ma mémoire alors que je ne les utilise jamais… Laa Shai, rien, Talasha disparaître. Je le vois encore s'enfuir au loin ce « talashaaaa » !! Car Ahmed s'amuse autant que nous et partage avec une joie enfantine ses connaissances dans tous les domaines, amassées au gré d'une curiosité insatiable.
Mais c'est lorsque nous avons atteint le vieux Caire que nous avons été scotchés par l'érudition d'Ahmed en matière d'histoire. Nous avons voyagé avec lui à travers un passé lointain, qui, parce qu'il le connaît si bien, se dressait vivant devant nous avec évidence. Nous avons pu comprendre la fondation et la construction de la ville, sa position politique et stratégique au sein de l'Egypte au cour du temps, ses liens avec les autres peuples et civilisations.
La beauté des anciens palais et des petites maisons, des églises et des et des mosquées, l'architecture et le quadrillage des rues, tout ceci prenait soudain sens grâce au don d'Ahmed pour rendre réels les personnages et les événements que ces lieux avaient connus.
Ahmed nous a emporté dans ce monde avec une telle efficacité, que nous ne nous sommes rendus compte que nous n'avions ni bu ni mangé, qu'au moment ou une petite faiblesse se fit sentir chez les filles, vers 16h. Nous avons pris une glace et nous sommes allés au café Fishawy où l'écrivain Neguib Mahfouz avait l'habitude de prendre son thé.
Nous sommes également passé par les petits escaliers où se déroule l'histoire du roman Zuqâq al-midaqq.
Nous avons ensuite poursuivi notre marche jusqu'au jardin Al-Azhar qui formait un vif contraste de calme et de nature après cette plongée au beau milieu de la plus grande ville d'Afrique.
Nous avons pu contempler le Caire au soleil couchant grâce à une vue imprenable, et nous pouvions « voir » la ville, non pas comme une jolie carte postale mais avec compréhension. Le souvenir de telle ou telle anecdote associée à telle coupole nous rendait cette vue sympathique et touchante. Il était environ 19h lorsque nous nous sommes dit au revoir. Nous ne nous sentions pas fatigués, et nous pensions que c'était vraiment notre meilleure journée au Caire depuis notre arrivée.
Bab Zouche
 My aim was to take a break with a cultural and historic character. And having Egyptologist and tour guide Ahmed Seddik as my companion made my adventure
 Amira El-Naqeeb, Travel Writer
 The Digger Who Can Figure:
 Mehri Khalil spoke with Ahmed Seddik (a rising figure in the field of Egyptology) about the all-important tourist economy in post-Revolutionary Egypt. Khalil met the
unusually poetic archaeologist and tour guide at the American University in Cairo, where he studied in several different departments, enabling him to perceive and
discuss history from multiple perspectives. Seddik has given tours all over the country; organized talks and debates in universities and cultural centers...Here, in
his undeniably unique style, Seddik discusses his journey and reveals his dreams for his beloved Egypt.
"His name is Ahmed Seddik and he is the most delightful, smart and funny person you can imagine. He loves languages and speaks incredible English. He talked
continuously without notes of any kind during our tours of the temples at Saqqara, the Pyramids and tombs in Giza, Islamic Cairo, and the City of the Dead--not just
providing fascinating and encyclopedic information, both historic and modern, but peppering his monologue with puns and alliteration."

Caroline Moore
“Ahmed Seddik is the brightest Egyptian I have met since I came to Egypt. I have found his Egyptological knowledge prodigious.”
Professor Jerry Leach
 Ahmed Seddik worked with me as a discussant on the translation of Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq’s monumental mid-nineteenth-century work al-Saq ‘ala l-saq (Leg over Leg)
during 2012 and 2013, a work widely considered among the most linguistically challenging of Arabic texts in view of its use of little-known words, word-play and puns,
and complex grammar. I reviewed and discussed in depth with Ahmed most of the cruxes of the text and benefited enormously from his in-put. His knowledge of Arabic
grammar, verse, and the Quran is encyclopedic and his ability to untangle the contortions imposed from time to time on the language of the book by the constraints of
verse and rhymed prose proved to be prodigious. Ahmed’s love of language in general and the Arabic language in particular made him the ideal partner in an enterprise
of such a daunting nature. I can recommend him unreservedly to anyone involved in scholarly work involving the Arabic language arts.

 Dr. Humphrey Davies
My wife and I heartily recommend the young Egyptologist and lecturer Ahmed Seddik, who recently provided us with an immensely informative and lively guided tour of
Saqqara. His encyclopedic knowledge of Egyptian history, including the beliefs and language of the ancient civilization of the Nile Valley, along with his tact, humor,
and treasure trove of anecdotes and stories, provided unusual texture and depth to his explanations. His familiarity with both literary and idiomatic English, combined
with his gifts at word-play and poetic device, further enlivened our exchanges. We spent an eminently pleasant and worthwhile several hours in his animated company.

Thomas G. Weiss
Presidential Professor of Political Science and Director
Thank you for a truly remarkable Cairo experience. I don't think I've ever enjoyed excursions as much as I did this time. You have an absolutely fantastic way of
bringing history to life and make it relevant to the visitor. A huge Thank You and I feel truly privileged to have had you as a guide to the ancient wonders of Egypt.

Maria Kuhn
VP Public Relations, Kempinski Hotels
 If you are wishing to source an Egyptologist, we would have no hesitation in recommending Ahmed. Our attention was kept by Ahmed the whole day, including our twelve year old! Ahmed is extremely professional, his knowledge and stories are outstanding and entertaining.

Carolanne Reissiger
Hotel Manager
Ahmed has guided me around the pyramids, the national museum and Islamic Cairo. He is a font of information, full of enthusiasm and you will tire before he does! I can warmly recommend Ahmed as an expert guide for Cairo and surroundings.

Christopher McLaverty
Consultant to the Archbishop of Canterbury at Church of England
 I had the opportunity to work with Ahmed Seddik last summer in Cairo, where I was temporarily based as a correspondent for Time Magazine. Though he clearly was far too qualified for the task, he cheerfully served as my translator for a couple of stories. I found him to be a precise interpreter, providing me with excellent translations of what was said in interviews, often a rarity where the need for speed overrides the desire for colorful, exact phrasing.

He also demonstrated a willingness to work long hours, and at the last minute. If I have the opportunity to return to Cairo, I will be sure to use his translation services once again.

 Aryn Baker,
 Associate Editor,
 Time Magazine Asia
 Siamo stati al Cairo per un weekend lungo, purtroppo durante i disordini di
 piazza di novembre, che ci hanno impedito di visitare il museo egizio a Piazza
 Tahrir. Ma anche senza il museo, il viaggio è stato straordinario. Meravigliose
 le piramidi e il plateau di Giza, bellissima la visita alle moschee e alle
 strade del cairo islamico, entrambi posti che abbiamo visitato con la nostra
 guida Ahmed Seddik, la cui mail era indicata sulla Lonely Planet e che abbiamo
 contattato dall’Italia subito prima di partire. Ahmed ha fatto una grande
 differenza: è affidabile, preparato, pieno di entusiasmo, appassionato di
 storia, archeologia, letteratura, geroglifici e conosce i luoghi come le sue
 tasche. Alle piramidi ci ha fatto vedere tombe delle quali non avremmo mai
 capito neanche la presenza, ci ha portato a vedere un panorama strepitoso da un
 posto un pò più lontano ma senza turisti, e ci ha pagato addirittura lui il
 ritorno con il cammello come “regalo” di benvenuto. Con lui ci siamo
 avventurati in posti dove non saremmo andati da soli, abbiamo capito tanto
 della storia dell’egitto e delle piramidi e anche dell’orgoglio degli egiziani
 di oggi. Insomma, posti meravigliosi, clima perfetto.. speriamo che la
 situazione politica si tranquillizzi presto, perchè non vediamo l’ora di
 tornarci e di portarci anche i nostri figli!

Silvia Cavallo
I have the privilege to recommend to you Ahmed Seddik as an excellent guide and efficient informant. I am fortunate both to have known Ahmed as a fellow student at
the American University in Cairo and to have seen how he developed his college interests into his current profession. Although he makes guiding and lecturing his
profession, Ahmed is a veritable renaissance man due to his passion for learning. He delights in learning various subjects and can claim expertise in many. Ahmed has a
talent for drawing diverse connections from his numerous interests into any talk or tour. In addition to his tours, Ahmed makes good use of his talent in his frequent
lectures on diverse topics at the Sawy Culture Wheel, a famous cultural center and academic forum in Zamalek, and elsewhere.
In the tours I have attended, Ahmed was lively, engaging, and spontaneous. Both the tour to the City of the Dead and Islamic Cairo were chock‐full of information,
partly due to Ahmed’s vast memory for fact and stories. On his tours each monument has a story and every side street is another step back in time. The tours I attended
lasted about five hours each, although he has told me they can stretch longer or take less time depending on the audience. When I took the Islamic Cairo tour, we went
the full length of the Fatimid city from gate to gate in four hours. His tour of Islamic Cairo is especially nice because it takes place in the wee hours of the
morning. The streets of the Khan el‐Khalili are amazingly serene at that time, which makes for a stark contrast with the market’s usual chaos. If you should take the
tour make sure to see the inside of the mosque and madrasa of Barquq; Sultan Plum had an eye for beauty. On these tours, Ahmed is always thinking about ways to improve
and innovate. For example, while leading us through the streets of Islamic Cairo, Ahmed thanked the street cleaners and pondered organizing them to keep the roads
cleaner. Ahmed says he has never given the same tour twice. I believe it.
 Ahmed’s style of guiding and touring is not like that found on any other tour. It has more artistry in it than the others. But the faint of heart beware, he is more
than half a poet. Emblazoned on his business card is the Arabic palindrome malik kalim, meaning “king of words.” And certifiably, he can claim to rule his words. Ahmed
is a possessor of a veritable treasury of terms and an arsenal of anecdotes. Don’t think it tedious if he recites a list of synonyms or lines of poetry. Listen
attentively. It is all part of the tour.
 Bryan Kraemer
 PhD. Candidate Egyptology
 University of Chicago
One of the best ways to hear and see Cairo's many stories!

Lydia Smith, Watson Fellow at Thomas J. Watson Fellowship
Previous Tours:

 Seton Hall Law Program, Faculty and Students
 The American University in Cairo
 Princeton University
 Cambridge University
 American Embassy
Time Magazine, Chief of the Middle East Bureau
 Harvard University
Yale University
 Cornell University
 Rice University
 AUC Faculty and Students
 University of British Columbia
 British Engineering Institutions - Egypt (BEIE)
 Alexandria School of Theology (http://www.ast-eg.org/)
 Dr. and Ms. William Vocke of Carnegie Endowment
 Dr. George P. Fletcher of Columbia
 Dr. Bernard Freaman of Seton Hall
 James K. Galbraith, American Economist
 James Balfour of Oxfam
 Peter Blauner, Novelist (http://www.peterblauner.com/)
 Dr. Jerry W. Leach
 US Consul-General Roberto Powers
 British Museum Curators
 Sir Eldon Wylie Griffiths, former British Minister
 Dr. Thomas G. Weiss, Presidential Professor of Political Science
 Dr. Victor G. Vogel, Director of the Cancer Institute
 Stanley F. Buchthal, an entrepreneur and producer
 John Bohannon, Science Magazine Correspondent
“The City of the Dead "Informal Settlements and Development Strategies
 Middle East Studies Program, the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities
 Ian Davison, Managing Director of Earthmoves Ltd
 Julia E. Marshall, Editor for the Oxford English Dictionary
 Durham University
 Rudy Wenk, Professor of Geology, University of California
 University of Minnesota
 Leiden University
 Penguin Group
 Judge Mary Davis
 Dr. Richard D. Lewis, author of When Cultures Collide
 University of South Alabama
 San Francisco State University
 University of Memphis
 University of California, Berkeley
 Temple University
 The College of William & Mary
 League of Arab States
 United Nations
 Helwan University
 Cairo University
 University of Massachusetts Boston
 American International School in Egypt
 Florida State University
 University of Greenwich
 University of Sydney
 Western Michigan University
 Northwestern University
 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
 University of Arkansas
 Egypt Air Horus Magazine
 University of Toronto
 London School of Economics
 University of Kentucky
 United World College of the Atlantic
 Syracuse University
 The University of Palermo
 Nalco Company
 Seattle Pacific University
 University of Ulster
 Griffith University
 Mona Almaraghi, Presenter
New York University
 Progress 2
 Duke University
 University of Pittsburgh
 German University
 British University in Cairo
 Zora O'Neill, Lonely Planet
 German Embassy
 Estonian Embassy
 The Netherlands Embassy
 Center for Arabic Study Abroad (CASA)
 Goldsmiths, University of London
 The Spanish Embassy
 Green Valley School
 ARCE Fellows
 Cairo Scholars
 British Council
 University of Maryland
 University of Texas
 University of Virginia
 University of Michigan
 American Councils for International Education
 Conrad Hotel
 Jim Holthouser, Hilton Worldwide Global Head
 Maadi Wadi Runners
 Supreme Council of Antiquities
 Middlebury's Middle East Arabic Program
 Arabic Overseas Flagship Program
 Australian Embassy
 The French University in Egypt
 Modern English School Cairo
 Austrian Embassy in Cairo
 Embassy of the Czech Republic
 The European Union Delegation
 University of Houston
 Red Cross
 Irish Embassy
 Indian Embassy
 Kempinski Hotels
 MEPI - Tomorrow's Leaders Scholarship Program
Lectures Given:
 1. Give a Pharaoh Five, a joint lecture with Bill Barazzuol
 2. The Divine Board, Pharaoh Amasis in Art and History, with Dr. Raymond Stock
 3. The Battle of Kadesh
 4. The Tale of Sinuhe, a Highly Informative Performative Narrative
 5. Music in Ancient Egypt, a joint lecture with Dr. Khairy ElMalt
6. Behold How Howard Uncovered Tut
 7. A Night of Hieroglyphics
 8. Nefertiti
 9. View from a Mashrabiyya: the Architecture of History in the History of Architecture
 10. Feasting with the Pharaohs, Banqueting in Antiquity, with Bill Barazzuol
 11. The HelleNilotic Melting Pot
 12. Freezing Time: from Imhotep to Ahmed Zewail
 13. Gates of Glory and Façades of Fame
 14. Alexander: a King Akin to a God
 15. Eratosthenes, from Cyrene to Syene
 16. Pharaohs of Pharos
 17. The Roman Aroma
 18. A Crumb of Cruelty
 19. A Taint of Atenism
 20. The Art of the State in the State of the Art
 21. The Hype in the Hypostyle
 22. The Tale of an Ancient Egyptian Expat
 23. Relief of Belief
 24. When in Doubt, Hieroglyph it Out
 25. Thieves from Thebes
 26. Relief Beyond Belief
 27. When Domes Dominate
 28. From Khaemwas to Zahi Hawass
 29. From Cubits to Units, a History of Measurement
 30. Emulate an Amulet
 31. Write Like an Egyptian & Hear it "From Pharaoh's Lips"
 32. Sobek, Biology and Myth, a joint lecture with Dr. Jeffrey Dean Miller
 33. Pinpointing Punt, a joint lecture with Nadia Mottalib
 34. Ramsiscape, a joint lecture with Dr. Ann Shafer
 35. From Haroun Al-Rashid to the Stone of Rashid
 36. Lemon, Biography of a Fruit
 37. Ahmed Shawqi with Howard Carter
 38. Ahmed Shawqi with Tutankhamon
 39. Albert Einstein, Father of the Atomic Age
 40. PowerPoint to Empower Your Point
 41. Digital Grammar
 42. Networking That Works
 43. Ahmed Shawqi in France
 44. How Gibraltar Altered History
 45. “Weaving the Web”
46. Ahmed Shawqi, a Children’s Poet
 47. Umm Kulthum with Hafez Ibrahim and Ahmed Shawqi
 48. Ahmed Shawqi, the Bard of Wisdom
 49. Ahmed Shawqi, the Egyptologist Poet
 50. From Karma to Karama
 51. "Naguib Mahfouz as Imhotep and Manetho, a joint lecture with Dr. Raymond Stock
 52. Romance in the Land of the Pharaohs
 53. Ahmed Shawqi in Philae
 54. “Champollion: The Linguist and the Emperor”
55. “100 Hieroglyphs: Think Like an Egyptian”
56. Conquering the City of Grammar
 57. Law in Ancient Egypt
 58. Color in Ancient Egypt, a joint lecture with Dr. Gamal Lamie
 59. Ancient Egyptian Fauna
 60. Ancient Egyptian Flora
 61. Sailing in Ancient Egypt
 62. Naguib Mahfouz: Reading from the Otherworld, with Dr. Raymond Stock
 63. Imhotep, a Modern Mind in an Ancient Body
 64. The Story of Influenza
 65. The Two Doves
 66. What Is Light?
 67. Reshaping the Shipwrecked Sailor
 68. Making Zoser Closer to Eternity
 69. From Narmer to Nasser
 70. Isis and Osiris
 71. A Virtual Tour to the Egyptian Museum
 72. The Hieroglyphic Nature of Art
 73. Ancient Egyptian Proverbs
 74. Body Language in Ancient Egypt
 75. Sinuhe Insinuations
 76. The Art of Guiding
 77. Flood, Growth, Harvest
 78. The Tooth That Told the Truth
 79. Date Palm: Biography of a Tree
 80. Let Stone Set the Tone
 81. Ancient Egyptian Religion
 82. The Third Dynasty is a Charm
 83. Diplomacy in Ancient Egypt
 84. The Art of Translation
 85. Cleanliness in Ancient Egypt
 86. The Ancient Egyptian House
 87. Medicine in Ancient Egypt
 Journey back in time and meet the leading medical practitioners in the wonderland of Egypt. Through ancient medical papyri and temple wall carvings we piece together
the world of medicine in ancient Egypt; diagnosis, prognosis, remedies, tools and techniques that at times surpass our state-of-the-art modern medicine.
 88. The Art of Public Speaking
 89. Etymological Stories
 90. Magic in Ancient Egypt
 91. Ancient Egyptian Architects
 92. Dying to Live
 93. The Art of Tutoring
 94. Lily: Biography of a Flower
 95. The Hoopoe or News from the Father of News
 96. Quarrying the Quarantine
 97. Health in Ancient Egypt
 98. Drama Drawn from Ancient Egypt
 99. Egyptian Mathematics
 100. Ancient Egyptian Technology
 101. Ancient Egyptian Palaces
 102. Women in Ancient Egypt
 103. The Queens of Ancient Egypt
 104. Ancient Egypt in Film
 105. The Hyksos of Evil
 106. Kinship and Kingship
 107. The Hype Style of the Hypostyle
 108. The Plastic Bag of Antiquity
 109. Sport in Ancient Egypt
 110. For Whom the Sun Shines
 111. The Spirit in Ancient Egypt
 112. A Pause at the Paws of the Sphinx
113. Stele: Bulletin Boards of Ancient Egypt
 114. The Bee in Ancient Egypt
 115. Money: From Bricks to Clicks
 116. Bread in Ancient Egypt
 117. Friendship and Marriage in Ancient Egypt
 118. Pensive Pencils
 119. Zoser: From Imhotep to Lauer
 120. An Abode Beyond the Boundaries of Death
 121. Sound in Ancient Egypt
 122. Google Your Life
 123. Ahmed Shawqi: the Poet of Faith
 124. The Locus of the Lost Lotus in Egyptian Art
 125. The KaRaVans of Ra
 126. Egypt: Magic and Tragic
 127. From Sultan Barquq to King Tut
 128. Saqqara Village: Passport to the Past
 129. Cleanliness in Science, History and Art
 130. From Bab Zewaila to Bab Zewail
 131. When Nature Speaks, Art Listens
 132. Don't Worry, We Have a Quarry, to Tell the Story
 133. Sounding the Sands: Archeology Techniques
134. The Fourth Dynasty: Builders with Boulders
 135. An Elapse Marking a Collapse
 136. Carter: Purse and Curse
 137. Strokes of Genius on Ostraca
 138. Camels Were Late Comers
 139. Symposium on the Nile, with Barazzuol, Alshafie and Professor Leach
 140. In the Museum of the Atom
 141. The Story of Garbage
 142. Chorus with Horus
 143. The Mother in Ancient Egypt
 144. Nursing the Curse
 145. Knowledge: a Boon from the Baboon
 146. From Adoring the Sun to a Door in the Sun
 147. Mirroring Mereruka’s Meridian
 148. Wheel in, Camel out
 149. Petrie: Inch by Inch
 150. Ancient Egyptian Games
 151. From the Nave to the Cave
 152. Making El Fayoum Bloom
 153. Restoring the Cosmic Chasm
 154. The Rise of Monasticism
 155. Ahmed Shawqi: from the Poet of the Prince to the Prince of Poets
 156. The Egyptian Temple: from the Core Niche to the Corniche
 157. Karnak: a Hub for Hubris
 158. Tut: an Heir to an Era of Air
 159. The Ottoman Style: More Flash for Less Cash
 160. Lured by the Lucre
 161. Museums: Creation and Curation
 162. The Narcotic Nilotic Lotus
 163. Egypt: the Dynastic Destiny
 164. The Double Helix: The Inspiring Spiral
 165. Wade in Wood, Hopes on Ropes
166. Ahmed Shawqi in School
 167. The ABC of Electricity
 168. Ibn Al-haytham: the Father of Optics
 169. The Story of Numbers
 170. Your Wasta to Waset
 171. The Boy King Wanted His Plaything
 172. How Laser Works
 173. Anatomy of an Atom
 174. The Trial of a Triad
 175. The Library of Alexandria
 176. Let the Fable Come to the Table
 177. A Tale of Two Pyramids
 178. Schistosomiasis and an Unparalleled Site of a Parasite, a joint lecture with Bill Barazzuol
 179. Ahmed Zewail's Voyage through Time
 180. The Magic of Marriage in Ancient Egypt
 181. ABC Latin
 182. Paremiology in Arabic, English and Latin
 183. Zewail City for Science and Technology
 184. The Subject and the Predicate
 185. Ahmed Shawqi: the Revolutionist Poet
 186. West Meets East: the Rise of Tourism
 187. The First Tick in History: the Story of Measuring Time
 188. A Tale of Three Apples
 189. At First I Could See Nothing
 190. Story of a Bridge
 191. The Story of the Compass
 192. The Egyptian Revolution through Western Eyes
 193. The Story of Silence
 194. The Circle
 195. Ficus Benghalensis
 196. Water
 197. The Story of Olive
198. The Desert
 199. Om Kolthoum, the Many Layers of Genius
 200. Sustainability in Ancient Egypt
 201. Amarna Letters: Egyptian Bricks of Diplomacy
 202. Is the Nile Delta Going under Water? Joint lecture with Dr. Jerry Leach
 203. Calcium: the Backbone of Eternity
 204. Cairo Trees
 205. Thomas Alva Edison
 206. The Sycamore Fig
 207. Forty Winks at the Sphinx
 208. From Marble to Marvel
209. Tahrir: an Atmosphere of Utmost Fear
 210. The Pharaoh's Four Curses
 211. Poetry from Pottery
 212. The Mermaid of the Mediterranean
 213. A Chemist from Kemet
 214. The Pharaoh in the Quran
215. Science in the Quran
 216. Politics in the Quran
 217. Shine from the Shrine, the City of the Dead
 218. Coptic Cairo, the Babylon of Egypt
 219. Alexandria, the Capital of Memory
 220. Political Charisma in Egypt from BC to CC
 221. An Anatomy of Medical Terminology
 222. Conspiracy, Strikes and Revolutions in Ancient Egypt
 223. Zoom in Man: Zoo in Man
 224. An Arabic Arsenal in English: Arabic Ingredients for English Words
 225. The Story of an Ancient Egyptian Abroad
 226. All is Fair in the Pharaoh's Affair
227. Seddikism: Laconic, Iconic and Mnemonic
 228. Trees of Ancient Egypt
 229. Hair in Ancient Egypt

230. Fashion in Ancient Egypt

231. Family in Ancient Egypt

232. The Cat in Ancient Egypt

233. The Elephant in Ancient Egypt

234. Why is the Sky Blue?
235. In Pursuit of Hatshepsut

 For over 3000 years, the memory of Queen Hatshepsut remained shrouded in secrecy -- even her mummy. But in 2007, Archaeologist Zahi Hawass found a molar tooth inside
a wooden box inscribed with the name of the Queen. That tooth fitted perfectly in the jaw of the mummy that Zahi assumed to be the Queen. That was the tooth that told
the truth, a dental identity. Now, travel back in time IN PURSUIT OF HATSHEPSUT to reveal the mystery of the great woman who ruled Egypt in the Golden Age for over
twenty years -- listen to her words!

Books Translated:

-The Illustrated Guide to Luxor and the Valley of the Kings by Dr. Kent R. Weeks

Published as the Official Portal for Luxor

-Co-translated and co-edited How the West Was Lost by Dambisa Moyo for the National Translation centre

Ahmed Seddik Spoke at:

Boston University

University of Hawaii at Manoa

Pomona College

University of Washington

Fashion Institute of Technology

Portland Community College

Millersville University of Pennsylvania

The American University in Cairo

The Egyptology Society

The Egyptology Academy

The Desert Development Center

The Sawy Culturewheel

The Seton Hall Law School - Cairo Summer Program

Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Marketplace

SOC 299: invited by Dr. Emad El-Din Aysha

South Dakota Delegation

Students from Ulsan University in Korea, invited by Dr. Cyrus Reed, Associate Provost

Performing and Visual Arts

The British International School

Course: ARIC-315: ARABIC DRAMA (invited by Dr. Birairi M)


The House of the Poet in Al-Muez Street in the Palace City of Cairo


Cairo Toastmasters Club

California Toastmasters Club

New York Toastmasters Club

Virginia Toastmasters Club

Hawaii Toastmasters Club

Oregon Toastmasters Club

Seattle Toastmasters Club

Greater New Haven Toastmasters Club

Yale Toastmasters

Nutty Scientists

Darb 1718

Egyptian Center for Culture & Art (Makan)

Mashrou3 Al Mareekh

Ahram Canadian University

Future University in Egypt

Al-Balsam Bookstore


The International School at Dundee

Produced/Translated and/or Reported for:

The New York Times

BBC World Service (Egypt and Libya)

BBC America

Financial Times

CBS Network (the Egyptian 25th Jan. Revolution)

Swedish Radio


Amanpour and Khaled Mashaal, Leader of Hamas:


Baboon Filmes


France 2

French 24



The Daily Mirror

 GEO Magazine

Danish National Radio

South of Sweden News



AUC Times

Tahrir Lounge

Der Spiegel

KPFA Radio

CSSProject for Integrative Mediation (in Cairo, Portsaid, Sinai)

Field Producer of a film about Bob Bradley: We Must Go

Bas Uterwijk Photography

Petra Ramsauer

Future Cities: Cairo

Helsingin Sanomat Newspaper


Global TV






Painter Khaled Hafez

Photographer Eirik Bjørklund

Copper Pot Pictures

Show Time, Years of Living Dangerously

Andrew Hosken, Reporter, The Today program, BBC Radio 4

Ruptly TV


Roger Hercz


VII Photo Agency, Laura Eltantawy

Lorenzo Meloni



Nguni TV





CTV National News, Daniele Hamamdjian

Nine Lives Media

Shine, a song with leejonesmedia.co.uk:



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